Wednesday 30 March 2016

Jewellery Tips for Your Forthcoming Job Interview

You have got an interview. It is a great thing. And it’s time to find out what exactly to wear and also how to wear the jewelleries. Whether you have to face your first interview after graduation or you want to attend interview for a better job opportunity, you should follow one simple rule. Be confident and dress up as if you have already got the job.

The credit for getting the resume shortlisted for interview lies on your shoulder completely. And now that you have to face the interview, you should make most out of it. You need to look decent and polished while facing the interviewers.  When it comes to choosing jewelleries, your option may depend on the specific industry, the locality as well as the office norms where you are scheduled to attend that interview. Have a look into the vital tips you should follow while choosing jewelleries.

Jewellery tips for job interview

Keep your jewelleries simple

This is the golden rule.  Whatever you wear, you should be in the main focus and not the accessories you put on.  Check out the stylish gold jewelleries online that are meant for formal events.   However in case of fashion industry, this rule may differ a bit.  You may dare to become a little bit of gaudy. But a little bit only.

Quality matters, not the quantity!

Size does not matter always and it’s true especially in case of jewelleries to wear on job interview. Wear a pair of earrings but keep them simpler and smaller. Studs are in vogue and your option may be either gold or diamond ones. Small hoops in diamond also enhance your personality. Avoid wearing dangling earrings or large hoofs that would cause a lot of distraction. You may be doing a lot of talking during interview and such plus size jewelleries may not be apt for the occasion.

Simplicity is the mantra!

There’s nothing wrong in wearing engagement ring or your wedding bangle. Make sure you put on plain and simple rings. Don’t overdo. If you have to wear one on another hand also, you should avoid something that is huge or flashy. Plus, it is also not the day to wear three, four to five ring or gold rings on all your fingers.

Wear jewelleries carefully

Thinking from where to buy jewelleries for your forthcoming job interview? There are multiple online jewellery stores that sell out chic jewelleries for formal events. Be careful if choose jewelleries prior to your job interview. Don’t wear a bunch of gold bangles that cause disturbance unnecessarily. A simple gold churi or a single stylish gold bangle is perfect for the occasion. The rule is same in case of necklace. It’s fashionable to layer two to three necklaces but it’s not good for job interview.

Don’t be biased

Make sure you should not wear something that depicts political preference, religious inclination to your interviewers. Remember, you have appeared for an interview and you have not initiated any kind of campaign. Let your interviewer know much about your private life.

Irrespective of the field you are entering, once you have the job on your hand, you have enough freedom to show off your personality through jewelleries or even with other accessories. It’s not about hiding your true personality during the interview.  Try to focus on your professional traits what you wish to convey and highlight on your potentials you are able to exhibit during your tenure. And jewelleries only try to enhance your personality as a professional and not mar it at any cost.

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